And just for your edification Miss disgusting Optimus.Prime, (since
clearly your G.E.D. didn’t scholastically prepare you for such matters),
This is me telling you to fuck off - um, so no need to flatter yourself and message my friends or my mom about me stalking you. Please,
give me a fucking break. If I was ever going to stalk someone, i sure
wouldn’t waste my time stalking some mean, mindless disgusting little
bitch who’s never failed to act like an absolute cunt, even in response
to those being kind to you. Seriously, dude - you are a 22 year old girl
with no warmth and a good body. Welcome to being 22. By thirty, you
will not only be undesirable, but you’ll be stuck with this cold,
unfriendly, boring and disgusting personality you have. We’re all sexy
at 22 and we can all obsess about ourselves at the gym everyday if we
wish - it’s not that huge of an accomplishment. Certainly not impressive
enough to turn me into a stalker, nor to justify what an absolute stuck
up freaking snob you are.
And BTW slick, I have immediate family in your state, so, I’m sorry
to inform your giant fantasy-inflated ego, but me ever going to the
State where evidently you live, would never have anything whatsoever to
do with you. ... WOW
Get over yourself and fuck off.