Saturday, May 23, 2009

Secrets Behind How Hot Babes Are Created: UNCOVERED

Extensive research conducted by the BDBP research team has uncovered the age old secret steps and components that produce a hot woman. You may wish to use this information to create your own line of hot girls.

If you are wondering where hot girls come from, it definitely is no accident. Extensive research conducted by the BDBP research team has uncovered the age old secret steps and components that produce a hot woman. You may wish to use this information to create your own line of hot girls.

Step 1. A man gets rich, or, achieves a position that insures a degree of wealth and prestige. The more wealthy - or more potentially wealthy - a man becomes prior to marriage, the more likely he is to be a part of the babe creation process.

Step 2.The man marries the hottest looking girl he can, that, meets his minimum "other qualities" requirements.

Step 3. The couple have a baby girl who will get hot genes passed from her mother. Because of her dad’s success, the baby girl will grow up well taken care of, and, have exposure to a wealthier class of eligible men. Our research has shown that hotter looking girls are almost 99% likely to marry a more eligable man than any other girl who is less attractive - not only because of her better looks passed on from her mother, but also because girls from a wealthier families have more access to wealhty guys, and, are raised with certain skills to better attract them.

Step 4: The process repeats itself, and, the daughters get more and more hot each generation, until, a daughter breaks one of the rules and breaks the chain. Once the chain is broken, it will reverse, so that each generation is uglier and less wealthy, until that downward process is, if ever, reversed.

Step 5.The most beautiful babes, our research has discovered, come forth at the 3rd or 4th cycle - most often. It can happen, rarely, that 1 or 2 babe cycles can produce a 9 or 10 babe: when this happens, it is usually do to an extreme jump in fortune within a single generation. Elvis is a good example of this phenomenon. It would probably be difficult to find any babes in Elvis’s family. Due to his extreme success, however, he skipped up to a stage 3 babe and had a babe daughter.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Ultimate Photo Shoot

AshleyBashley's first major modeling shoot.
I brought in a real photographer (as apposed to my hack photography that I sometimes must make do with). Ashley was happy that a clothing allowance was now being budgeted in starting with this shoot. A professional make up artist, two gigantic security guards, mood music, and even a crowd watching added to the fun. We did not use any retouch artist nor apply any form of post production touch up. What you see is all Ashley with not a single speck nor pixel altered.

I want to mention that the lack of credits for anyone - other than Ashley, is not an intentional nor accidental slight upon anyone else involved. There are a few reasons why this production didn't intend to be credited out and everyone involved new this as part of their contract agreements. One reason for an anonymous approach like this, is that a young unknown model like Ashley and new producer like myself, can negotiate the opportunity to work with bigger "Names" in the industry that would never risk being credited on these projects - upon which we are learning and "getting our feet wet," and for all a photographer or artist knows will ultimately have their name on something that end up crap or ultra amateurish.

The means, the purpose and the Plan

The Means
I have a college degree in theatre and my professional experience related to art and production, includes film credits as a story board artist, music performance, authoring and directing of 3 live theatrical productions, 8 years as a full time artist/painter, album and j-sleeve design, and a variety of contracted, art related jobs.

The Plan
I want to create a photo shoot that will also be a live performance with a live audience of people who have purchased tickets for the performance. Sort of a hybridization of a play, a modeling shoot, performance art, and a music concert.

The Purpose
Think of it. Insanely hot models, doing their thing within a succession of unique, rehearsed, and organized scenes - accompanied by scored music and making use of all the elements of stage craft that a professional theater and stage can accommodate. This will not resemble in any way some boring, acted out "glam shoot." (barf) Honesty, truth, intimacy and profoundness of purpose is what any of my art is about. I think that cliché, indication and triviality is poison to any artistic attempt - and sins upon creativity. So, I'm not going to have a few model looking girls strut behind some spot lights, for some actor who is a bad photography or photographer who is any sort of actor. The modeling will be real. It will have a real product intention along with real risks and stakes involved for the participants. Nudity and explicitness will not be haphazardly overdone in an attempt to pimp out a profitable gimmick as easily as possible; however, nudity - in the raw and real, will be no minor component for sure.

The Result
And then there is the permanent product of the event that can have a whole revenue life of its own
after the event has happened.

What do you think?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009






Amateur teen model Ashley

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Photo Driller POsters

Posters made with the Photo Driller Inventions. The photo drill is a image searching tool that gives several options of stuff to do with the photo results. One of these options is to output results into a poster.